Lyric Translations Mao BuYi

消愁 – Drowning Sorrows, by Mao Buyi 毛不易 Lyrics, English and Chinese Translations

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Artist: Mao Buyi(毛不易)

I really like the vibe at the beginning, it gives me Harry Potter vibes, as if we were sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner with everyone

Chinese Lyrics









一杯敬朝阳 一杯敬月光

唤醒我的向往 温柔了寒窗


不怕心头有雨 眼底有霜

一杯敬故乡 一杯敬远方

守着我的善良 催着我成长





伪装着 舞蹈着 疲惫着


一杯敬朝阳 一杯敬月光

唤醒我的向往 温柔了寒窗


不怕心头有雨 眼底有霜

一杯敬故乡 一杯敬远方

守着我的善良 催着我成长



一杯敬明天 一杯敬过往

支撑我的身体 厚重了肩膀



一杯敬自由 一杯敬死亡

宽恕我的平凡 驱散了迷惘




English Translations

When you walk into the field of happiness,

Carrying all of your dreams and desires.

There are different people with different makeup,

No one remembers what you look like.

After three rounds of drinks in the corner,

You stubbornly sing bitter songs.

Hearing them being drowned out in the bustling noise,

You hold up a glass of wine and say to yourself: 

A toast to the rising sun, a toast to the moonlight,

For rousing my yearnings and turning my boring life into something more.

So that you can fly against the wind without looking back,

Not afraid of the rain in your heart and the frost in your eyes.

A toast to your hometown, a toast to far away,

For guarding my kindness and urging me to grow.

So that the road from the North to the South isn’t that long anymore,

And your soul is no longer without a place to stay.

A restless guest,

Acting as if they knew everything,

Disguised, performing, and tired.

You hold up a glass of wine and say to yourself: 

A toast to the rising sun, a toast to the moonlight.

For rousing my yearnings and turning my boring life into something more.

So that you can fly against the wind without looking back.

Not afraid if there’s rain in your heart or frost in your eyes.

A toast to your hometown, a toast to the places far away,

For guarding my kindness and urging me to grow.

So that the road from the North to the South isn’t that long anymore

And your soul is no longer without a place to stay.

A toast to tomorrow, a toast to the past

For supporting my body even as my shoulders grow heavy.

Although I’ve never believed in the so-called greatness,

Life is short, so why bother getting stuck in the past?

A toast to freedom, a toast to the dead,

For forgive my ordinariness and dispelling the confusion

When dawn comes along, 

The sober are always the most preposterous

The sober are always the most preposterous

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