I’m going to divide these into a couple of different categories, because there are quite a lot of chinese songs that I really enjoyed! Hopefully you’ll find some nice song recommendations! The categories are:
- OSTs from cdramas
- Songs I found from DouYin (chinese tiktok)
- Other
Current Favorite:
消愁- Mao Buyi
1.__凉凉 (Cold)
Singer: Aska Yang and Zhang BiChen
Cdrama: Eternal Love
2. 左手指月 (Upwards to the Moon)
Singer: Sa DingDing
Cdrama: Ashes of Love
3. 不染 (Unsullied)
Singer: Mao Buyi
Cdrama: Ashes of Love
4. 无羁 (WuJi)
Singer: Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo
Cdrama: The Untamed
5. 无名之辈 (The Nameless Generation)
Singer: Chen Xue Ran
Cdrama: Go Go Squid
6. 痴情冢 (Tomb of Infatuation)
Singer: Deng Lun
Show: The Yin Yang Master- Dream of Eternity
7. 大鱼
Singer: Zhou Shen
Show: Big Fish and Begonia
8. 年岁
Singer: Mao Buyi
Cdrama: Ancient Love Poetry
Douyin Songs
1. Grain in Ear (芒种)
2. 骁
3. 你的答案
4. 错位时空
The Youtube link, I can’t find the original song on Spotify.
5. 心如止水
6. 白月光与朱砂痣
7. 燕无歇 (Dreamless)
8. 飞鸟和蝉
9. 目及皆是你
10. 下山
2. 卷珠簾